Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ups and Downs...

This morning's sunrise. All my mornings start off with a beautiful sunrise, and for this I am thankful.

After my healthy
Masculana hugeinimus 'Horny' cactus became limp and all dried up, it reinforced my belief that I'm not a suitable caretaker for these intimidating desert dwellers! I was ready to ship all my remaining living cacti and succulents off to Claude and Julie! Then......

I was presented with this breathtakingly display! Sunrise, cacti blooms and air conditioning-- what more could I need?

Sorry guys, I'll just keep them around a while longer!


Julie said...

LOLOL!!! Oh know you couldn't send off all your babies!!! Lovely flowers! I never have any flowers like these...they are gorgeous!!! A grand surprise! Happy Friday!

Aiyana said...

I've lost a few cacti--which is nothing new for this time of year. I think it has to do with rain and regular watering. Seems some days when I water during late July and August, we'll get some rain and then the roots rot on the really sensitive plants. This only happens to the potted ones. This just gives me a good excuse to get a few new ones come September/October!

Chris said...

Very cool!

kesslerdee said...

They are gorgeous!!! I've lost a few too- but the ones that do well are so inspiring!