Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Miss Photogenic

My Gazania is in full bloom. Don't you just love the color? I don't think you can take a bad photo of a Gazania--They are so colorful and so full of color variation that they could win a contest for the most photogenic flower.

So far the only wildflowers to bloom in my garden are Desert Bluebells. Their vibrant, true blue color will knock your socks off. Desert Bluebells should be named "Old Reliable" because no matter what, they never fail to grow. They could also compete with Kalanchoe and be called "Mother of Millions" because each plant drops about a million seeds.

All the wildflower seedlings are up and growing, but not a single flower on any of them. If my plants don't flower soon, summer will be here and I can forget having a spectacular display. Oddly, the only Sweet Peas that bloomed this year are purple!

This has been a strange year in my garden. I'm going away for a few days, and hopefully I will return to an explosion of color!


Laurie and Chris said...

Very pretty!! I can't wait for spring!!

Hawk woman said...

Wow, beautiful photos! I need some pointers from you for taking photos.