Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Nod To Some Blog Friends

I have been busy in the past two weeks. Thanks to blogs I've visited, I have tried a few things that I knew I could create without expending too much energy! I've painted rocks in the past, so tried doing a few last week. Forgot which blog inspired this project. Here are a few more of my creations.

I guess I like doing bugs. I seem to do a lot of them. All are friendly, and they don't disturb any plants.

This one is kind of cock-eyed, but that's what makes him cute!

Turr Tull will have a companion when he comes out of hibernation next May-June.

Julie at A Succulent Life inspired me to try and grow a bonsai--I think I need to trim off the bottom stems and lower the top. (just did, and then the battery died in my camera. I'll get new photos to add later.) Hopefully it will look as good as hers eventually! Thanks, Julie!

My daughter's newly painted block wall got me into a colorful mood. I have had a small table with a two-chair set for over 20 years, and decided to brighten them up from the original white. One more coat on each piece and back they go into the fairy hideaway.

Aiyana at Water When Dry had a great idea of where to hang her extra wind chimes and sun catchers. She hangs them on a tall planter. Since I have an abundance of chimes and sun catchers stored in boxes, I'm going through them and will hang them up like I've done here. I might need another planter, I have so many! Thanks Aiyana, a perfect fix!

Claude at Random Rants and Prickly Plants saved my beloved sweet peas with his suggestion of sprinkling garlic around the plants and then watering it in to get rid of the no-see-ums. Yeah!! It worked! Grandmothers always know best! Thanks for the tip, Claude!


Just filled up my car--$17!! Just a short while ago it cost me $35! My daughter filled up for $35, and before it was $75! Too bad the media doesn't talk about the positives. This has to help the economy--I spent the money I saved on gas, and I'm sure everyone else will too! However, gas is NOT CHEAP at $1.79. People think that's cheap, and it is compared to $4 a gallon, but we shouldn't say it's cheap. Be sure and keep an eye on any plan to add more Federal tax on gas. I'm afraid that's coming next--just to control our usage and drive people to buy hybrids.


Julie said...

You could have been Aiyana who inspired you to paint rocks...she has that one containerful, remember??? Now that I have seen yours, I want some too! They are adorable! I love your turtle!

Your bonsai looks good! I am proud of you for just chopping away!!! I am just sort of cutting whatever I think needs it at this point, while still trying to let certain areas fill in. It is a hard decision at times what to do. Oh well...I figure it will always grow back if I do something wrong! Such hearty plant material!

Your chair looks so pretty painted!

I wish I had some of your energy lately. I am too busy at work, and am tired by the time I get home!

Ready for another vacation!!!
See ya later...Julie

Claude said...

Glad it worked... yeah me! The bug rocks are really kinda cool. And here's hoping that Turr Tull has a nice nap...

Pudgeduck said...

Julie- You are right- Aiyana did have painted rocks- thanks

Claude--Turr Tull came out last Febuary for a day - He is sleeping sound now..